About Us

This website ensued as the result of a research project, whose intent was to investigate the nineteen- century editions of French prose fiction that composed the collections of Grêmio Literário e Recreativo Português do Pará, where they remain available. The project, under my own coordination, was also valuably assisted by Scientific Initiation Fellows (PIBICS).


Valéria Augusti has a degree in Social Sciences, a master’s degree in Literary Theory and a doctorate degree in Literary Theory and History at the Federal University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Her post doctoral program in Cultural History took place at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). Professor Augusti is currently a member of the Languages Department at the Federal University of Pará (FALE-UFPA) and of the Post Graduation Program in Languages and Literature (PPGL) at the same institution. She coordinates the project Paris na América: romances franceses no Grêmio Literário Português do Pará.

Refer to her Curriculum lattes registered with CNPq at:

Curriculum lattes Valéria Augusti




Alessandra Pantoja Paes has a degree in Portuguese language at the Federal University of Pará, a master’s degree in Literary Studies and is currently a doctoral student at the same institution.


Refer to her Curriculum lattes registered with CNPq at:

Curriculum lattes Alessandra Pantoja Paes


Lorena Mena Barreto Rodrigues has a degree in languages at the Federal University of Pará and in Social Media Communication at University Estácio de Sá in Pará.


Refer to her Curriculum lattes registered with CNPq at:

Curriculum lattes Lorena Mena Barreto Rodrigues


Maria Gabriella Flores Severo has a degree in languages at the Federal University of Pará and is currently a master’s student in Arts and Humanities at the State University of Amazon.


Refer to her Curriculum lattes registered with CNPq at:

Curriculum lattes Maria Gabriella Flores Severo

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